
Lady GaGaLady GaGa1986年出生于纽约的Yonkers,双亲为意大利人。小时候就读于名为the Sacred Heart的天主教学校,时尚名媛Paris Hilton(帕丽斯·希尔顿)和Caroline Kennedy都是她的校友。2006年,Gaga在自纽约大学辍学之后,签约Interscope Records成为作曲人。曾为布兰妮、菲姬、小野猫、阿肯等知名歌手作曲。当Akon发现Gaga同时具有幕前演唱的实力后,他签约Gaga到自己旗下,自此她开始筹备首张个人专辑。2008年,Gaga发布了自己的首张个人专辑《The Fame》,她自己解释此专辑为“有关让所有人都能感觉到如何著名。”
[编辑本段]艺人介绍 Lady Gaga
原名:Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (斯蒂芬妮·乔安妮·安吉莉娜·杰尔马诺塔)。1986年3月28日出生,白羊座。
中文译名:刚出道没发片不太了解她的时候人们叫她“淑女嘎嘎”,后来又有不同版本的称呼,如雷帝、雷得嘎嘎、雷迪嘎嘎、嘎嘎夫人、女神卡卡、蕾迪卡卡、加加夫人、嘎嘎小姐,不过现在专辑横扫全球,拿下3项MTV大奖以后人们叫得最多的还是“lady gaga”。
家人:Joseph Germanotta(爸爸)Cynthia Germanotta (妈妈)Natalie Germanotta (妹妹)
最喜爱的女歌手:Beyonce Giselle Knowles(碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯) Britney Spears(布兰妮)
音乐影响:beyonce knowles Britney Spears(布兰妮)、David Bowie、Queen、Madonna、Michael Jackson
成名曲:Just Dance (feat. Colby O' Donis )(The Fame)Poker Face、 Paparazzi(专辑主打歌)、Beautiful Dirty Rich(各大酒吧夜店追捧 传唱率超高的超人气作品)Love game、Bad Romance、telephone
最潮造型:以其“闪电眼妆”(Just Dance MV)最为出名,成为时下潮人模仿经典。
2010年新歌:Retro Physical、Your Negativity(被誉为“夜店之音”的狂暴劲歌)
Lady Gaga近日(2010年3月)在日本率先发行了混音专辑《The Remix》,专辑的封面使用了仅用报纸遮羞的Lady Gaga裸照,让很多歌迷大呼过瘾。但很多亚洲国家因为风俗习惯等各类因素并不能够使用如此限制级的封面,所以稍后发行的国家将会使用新的封面,并在5月发行,内地也将于5月同步推出此专辑。 而收录于Lady Gaga最新专辑《超人气女魔头》(The Fame Monster)中的歌曲《电话》(Telephone)由Lady Gaga和Beyonce巅峰合作,受到了全世界流行乐迷的关注。她们迟迟没能推出的MV,也着实吊足了大家的胃口。美国当地时间3月11日晚上,《电话》的MV终于在其官方网站上首播,满足了所有人的期待!
Lady Gaga的独特造型一直是大家议论的焦点,在这支精心准备的MV中她自然也毫无保留的拿出了自己的看家本领:从粗铁链上衣到硅胶透明盔甲,从易拉罐发卷到美国国旗装,每一套造型都起到了让观众着实惊讶。而Beyonce则在自己一贯的性感风格上加上了些复古的风味。两位在MV的结尾处,还分别身着一黑一白两套类似于中国古装女侠的服装,冷艳无比。
早期生涯 当Lady Gaga还是个小女孩的时候,她会对着她那小小的录音机唱着Michael Jackson跟Cyndi Lauper的歌,或是在Rolling Stone跟Beatles音乐的配衬下,在爸爸的怀抱里转着圈圈。这个过动的小孩还会在上西区的高级餐厅桌边开心跳舞,用面包棒当作指挥棒玩耍。当家里来了新保姆的时候,纯真的她还会开心地穿上生日新衣来迎接。
无怪乎这个来自纽约意裔家庭的小女孩长大之后会这么勇于秀自己,变成了一个多才多艺、引人瞩目的创作歌手。这就是她,Lady Gaga。
“我一直都很擅长娱乐大众,我从小就是个开心果,现在也是。”Lady Gaga这样说道。她凭着一首感染力十足的派对舞曲“Beautiful Dirty Rich”在曼哈顿的下东区夜店里崛起。另外,更让人津津乐道的是她惊人的“shock art”演出。在演出中,她会一件件褪去自己所设计的舞台装,直到露出她亲手裁剪的小热裤以及比基尼胸罩,然后点燃一罐喷雾发胶,最后当七彩霓虹灯球从天花板缓缓降下时,她还会伴随着电影发条橘子的配乐搔首弄姿。
“我一直都很热爱摇滚乐、流行文化跟剧场,当我看着Queen和David Bowie的时候,我才真正了解,其实这三个元素是可以同时并存的。”Lady Gaga这样表示,她的艺名灵感正是源自Queen的歌曲“Radio Gaga”,而她视电视影集角色Peggy Bundy及设计师Bonatella Versace为时尚指标。
这个目标看起来挺崇高的,但是仔细瞧瞧这女孩的背景:Lady GaGa在4岁的时候就靠着自己的耳朵学会了钢琴;13岁用钢琴写下第一首抒情曲;14岁的她,晚上在纽约著名的Bitter End等夜店里飙歌,白天则是在Covent of Sacred Heart School(位于曼哈顿的私立学校)被同学们奚落她那古怪却又叛逆的造型;17岁时,她成为全球仅20位能够提前进入纽约大学Tisch School of the Arts的其中一员;20岁生日时正式获得唱片公司签约,并获邀为许多大牌艺人写歌(像是小野猫以及接下来一连串要发片的环球歌手)。她的首张专辑都还没发片,Lady Gaga却已经坐上了直达云端的特快车。
一声闻名 “进入演艺圈,我的目标是要以一种有趣的方式,为这个世界带来全新的流行音乐。”她这样说。她的首张个人专辑【The Fame】,不但包办全部词曲,就连所有的音乐配器也几乎都是她自己演奏录制的。“而且我超想要用一首很酷的流行歌来玩弄一下听众的感情,就像是一匙看起来明明像糖的东西,事实上可是苦口的良药。”
【The Fame】专辑,感觉像是Gaga调和两份流行舞曲,加上一份电子乐、一份摇滚乐,再加上少许的迪斯可及嘲弄剧元素,最后慢慢地倒入造型马丁尼酒杯中的鸡尾酒,要诱惑全世界的人与她一起无醉不欢。她解释道:“这张专辑谈的是每个人都可以觉得自己是名人。流行文化本身就是一种艺术,抗拒流行并不会让你变得很酷,所以我决心要拥抱流行文化,你可以在【The Fame】专辑中清楚地感受到这种感觉。但那种出风头的快感是可以跟别人分享的,我想要邀请每个人一起来狂欢,我希望人们可以被这种生活态度所感染。”
专辑的开场曲“Just Dance”同时也是首发单曲,这首歌有趣的“LA名流式”乐风,在舞池里红翻了。而同样引人注意的“Boys Boys Boys”,Lady GaGa直不讳言地坦白自己的企图:“我想要为Motley Crue’s的‘Girls Girls Gilrs’写一首女性专用的版本,但那里面会有我自己的梗,我想要写出那种连摇滚咖都会喜欢的流行曲。”
“Beautiful Dirty Rich”则是总结了她在下东区自我探索时的点点滴滴,而大部分是有关沉溺于药物及派对狂欢的故事。Lady Gaga表示:“那段时间,或是那首歌,都是当初我在思考人生目标的过程,一旦我决定要走上表演的舞台后,我就深深爱上这个决定,而再也不觉得狂欢派对有什么了不起的了。”第一次听见“Paparazzi”时,你可能会以为这是一首向镜头示爱的歌,但事实上,Lady Gaga认为这本身就是一个玩笑:“在某个层次来看,这的确是在讲怎么吸引狗仔队的目光、让自己成名,但也不是完全这么严肃就是了,也许它反映了大家对这件事的看法,但从另一角度来看,它也可以是在讲爱上一个男生后,能不能人财两得、名利双收的挣扎。”
GaGa同时也在专辑中展现出她对抒情歌曲的热爱,像是受到Queen所启发的“Brown Eyes”,以及甜美的分手吻别曲“Nothing I Can Say (eh eh)”。她解释道:“‘Brown Eyes’是专辑中感情最脆弱的一首,而‘Eh Eh’则是一首简单的流行曲,讲的是跟旧男友分手吧下一个男人也许会更好的故事。”
至于新专辑的巡回演出,歌迷们将继口碑爆表的2007年8月Lollapalooza show以及2008年3月在Winter Music Conference的演出后,重新见识全新精装版的演出。“这次新的秀,将会是过去几年我在城中各处自制演出的超级华丽版本。虽然整体的表现会比较高档,但是我最喜欢的元素还是会依然保留,像是七彩霓虹灯球、热裤、亮片装及缀饰。但是会变成一个更热烈、更有整体概念的版本,那可是一场流行艺术的综合演出。”
Lady Gaga最后眨了一下眼睛说:“现在,我正努力在做的,就是持续一点一滴地改造这世界。”
时尚 闪电眼妆、蝴蝶发髻、齐刘海儿、白色长发、浓密到极点的睫毛膏、“IPOD屏幕太阳镜、电工太阳镜、胶质涂层、漆皮胸衣、紧身三角裤、立体结构外套、裸色、易拉罐卷发……这些时尚碎片汇成了鲜明的、标签式的美国新锐歌手Lady GaGa Style。在她横空出世之前,它们绝大部分都只能出现在舞台或者T台上。
有人将Lady Gaga比作麦当娜,可即便是麦当娜,当年也只有在演唱会上敢穿上圆锥胸衣秀风情。那么这样发癫的一个人,究竟是欧美范儿的芙蓉姐姐,还是开创下一个时尚新纪元的女金刚呢?
富家女 Gaga和帕丽斯是校友
oh my lady gaga
Lady Gaga的横空出世像一剂病毒性流感,在娱乐圈和时尚界迅速肆虐开来。她惊世骇俗的着装,似乎比其他大腕儿此起彼伏的绯闻更惹眼:杜莎蜡像馆正在灌制她的体模;女明星们用实际行动表达对她的崇拜和嫉妒;她登上的时尚杂志封面比音乐杂志还要多。
与某些一朝得志便无所适从的小户人家女孩不一样,Lady GaGa出生在纽约的富裕家庭里,父母都是赫赫有名的意大利商人,从小她便就读于The Sacres Heart这种只招收贵族富豪的学校,她的邻座尽是肯尼迪家族的后裔或希尔顿酒店的继承人帕丽斯·希尔顿这样的人物。
才女 Gaga在4岁便会钢琴弹奏。
除了优越的家庭条件,Lady Gaga本人也表现出了先天的过人资质:据说,4岁的时候,她就能靠双耳聆听便学会钢琴弹奏;13岁写下第一首抒情创作歌曲;14岁在公开场合拿起麦克风演唱;17岁被纽约大学音乐系提前录取(这种特殊名额全世界只有20个);然后,到了20岁,她受到了知名唱片公司Interscope Records的赏识,立马签入旗下帮歌手和乐队写歌谱曲。早在她“一夜爆红”之前,Britney Spears的一张热门专辑里就收入了她创作的两首歌曲,看样子颇得赏识。
最近,两部炙手可热的时尚剧都找到她来创作主题曲。一部是收视率就没跌出过前三甲的《Gossip Girls》,另一部是近来闹得沸沸扬扬的《一个购物狂的自白》。这阵势还真有一副垄断时尚天下的气派。
潮女 她可以把自己打扮成一枚扎着蝴蝶结的圣诞礼物和好友泰然自若地喝茶,这种哪怕是在明星看来都无福消受的“混”搭,在她身上却像家常便饭一样随处可见。据了解就连她爸爸也看不惯自己女儿的出位,不止一次在公开场合表示不满。她本人似乎早准备好了一连串的说辞应付各种批评:“他其实根本不理解我,我这样做都是为了我祖母。她老人家年纪大,眼睛不好,只有穿成这样她才能认出我。”这种辩解听起来倒是挺符合她本人戏谑幽默的调调。
实际上,如果你足够细心,Lady GaGa其实早就在歌里唱出她的心声:“How did I turn my shirt inside out”(我的衬衫怎么穿反了?)言下之意:我穿成什么样,关你什么事?一副爱谁谁的牛气冲天。
在日前举办的MTV音乐录影带颁奖礼中,Lady GaGa 上阵的战衣是Dolce&Gabbana 的corset 紧身胸衣。造型依旧很“雷人”,但谁都知道,她不是一个时尚的受害者,相反,她在玩弄着时尚大牌和时尚圈,她的每一次出场都在挑战着时尚圈的尺度和大众的忍耐底线。Lady Gaga 曾说:“我不是时尚品牌的堆砌品,我创造时尚!”俨然把自己当做是一个时尚品牌。
Lady Gaga真可谓是"要出门,必雷人"(本句出自于A·Spears·Cooper之言)。
其实 Lady Gaga在“Gaga”化之前很漂亮(是符合大多数人标准的),很清纯,与现在的风格完全背道而驰,如右图所示。
[编辑本段]艺人介绍 Lady Gaga
原名:Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (斯蒂芬妮·乔安妮·安吉莉娜·杰尔马诺塔)。1986年3月28日出生,白羊座。
中文译名:刚出道没发片不太了解她的时候人们叫她“淑女嘎嘎”,后来又有不同版本的称呼,如雷帝、雷得嘎嘎、雷迪嘎嘎、嘎嘎夫人、女神卡卡、蕾迪卡卡、加加夫人、嘎嘎小姐,不过现在专辑横扫全球,拿下3项MTV大奖以后人们叫得最多的还是“lady gaga”。
家人:Joseph Germanotta(爸爸)Cynthia Germanotta (妈妈)Natalie Germanotta (妹妹)
最喜爱的女歌手:Beyonce Giselle Knowles(碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯) Britney Spears(布兰妮)
音乐影响:beyonce knowles Britney Spears(布兰妮)、David Bowie、Queen、Madonna、Michael Jackson
成名曲:Just Dance (feat. Colby O' Donis )(The Fame)Poker Face、 Paparazzi(专辑主打歌)、Beautiful Dirty Rich(各大酒吧夜店追捧 传唱率超高的超人气作品)Love game、Bad Romance、telephone
最潮造型:以其“闪电眼妆”(Just Dance MV)最为出名,成为时下潮人模仿经典。
2010年新歌:Retro Physical、Your Negativity(被誉为“夜店之音”的狂暴劲歌)
Lady Gaga近日(2010年3月)在日本率先发行了混音专辑《The Remix》,专辑的封面使用了仅用报纸遮羞的Lady Gaga裸照,让很多歌迷大呼过瘾。但很多亚洲国家因为风俗习惯等各类因素并不能够使用如此限制级的封面,所以稍后发行的国家将会使用新的封面,并在5月发行,内地也将于5月同步推出此专辑。 而收录于Lady Gaga最新专辑《超人气女魔头》(The Fame Monster)中的歌曲《电话》(Telephone)由Lady Gaga和Beyonce巅峰合作,受到了全世界流行乐迷的关注。她们迟迟没能推出的MV,也着实吊足了大家的胃口。美国当地时间3月11日晚上,《电话》的MV终于在其官方网站上首播,满足了所有人的期待!
Lady Gaga的独特造型一直是大家议论的焦点,在这支精心准备的MV中她自然也毫无保留的拿出了自己的看家本领:从粗铁链上衣到硅胶透明盔甲,从易拉罐发卷到美国国旗装,每一套造型都起到了让观众着实惊讶。而Beyonce则在自己一贯的性感风格上加上了些复古的风味。两位在MV的结尾处,还分别身着一黑一白两套类似于中国古装女侠的服装,冷艳无比。
早期生涯 当Lady Gaga还是个小女孩的时候,她会对着她那小小的录音机唱着Michael Jackson跟Cyndi Lauper的歌,或是在Rolling Stone跟Beatles音乐的配衬下,在爸爸的怀抱里转着圈圈。这个过动的小孩还会在上西区的高级餐厅桌边开心跳舞,用面包棒当作指挥棒玩耍。当家里来了新保姆的时候,纯真的她还会开心地穿上生日新衣来迎接。
无怪乎这个来自纽约意裔家庭的小女孩长大之后会这么勇于秀自己,变成了一个多才多艺、引人瞩目的创作歌手。这就是她,Lady Gaga。
“我一直都很擅长娱乐大众,我从小就是个开心果,现在也是。”Lady Gaga这样说道。她凭着一首感染力十足的派对舞曲“Beautiful Dirty Rich”在曼哈顿的下东区夜店里崛起。另外,更让人津津乐道的是她惊人的“shock art”演出。在演出中,她会一件件褪去自己所设计的舞台装,直到露出她亲手裁剪的小热裤以及比基尼胸罩,然后点燃一罐喷雾发胶,最后当七彩霓虹灯球从天花板缓缓降下时,她还会伴随着电影发条橘子的配乐搔首弄姿。
“我一直都很热爱摇滚乐、流行文化跟剧场,当我看着Queen和David Bowie的时候,我才真正了解,其实这三个元素是可以同时并存的。”Lady Gaga这样表示,她的艺名灵感正是源自Queen的歌曲“Radio Gaga”,而她视电视影集角色Peggy Bundy及设计师Bonatella Versace为时尚指标。
这个目标看起来挺崇高的,但是仔细瞧瞧这女孩的背景:Lady GaGa在4岁的时候就靠着自己的耳朵学会了钢琴;13岁用钢琴写下第一首抒情曲;14岁的她,晚上在纽约著名的Bitter End等夜店里飙歌,白天则是在Covent of Sacred Heart School(位于曼哈顿的私立学校)被同学们奚落她那古怪却又叛逆的造型;17岁时,她成为全球仅20位能够提前进入纽约大学Tisch School of the Arts的其中一员;20岁生日时正式获得唱片公司签约,并获邀为许多大牌艺人写歌(像是小野猫以及接下来一连串要发片的环球歌手)。她的首张专辑都还没发片,Lady Gaga却已经坐上了直达云端的特快车。
一声闻名 “进入演艺圈,我的目标是要以一种有趣的方式,为这个世界带来全新的流行音乐。”她这样说。她的首张个人专辑【The Fame】,不但包办全部词曲,就连所有的音乐配器也几乎都是她自己演奏录制的。“而且我超想要用一首很酷的流行歌来玩弄一下听众的感情,就像是一匙看起来明明像糖的东西,事实上可是苦口的良药。”
【The Fame】专辑,感觉像是Gaga调和两份流行舞曲,加上一份电子乐、一份摇滚乐,再加上少许的迪斯可及嘲弄剧元素,最后慢慢地倒入造型马丁尼酒杯中的鸡尾酒,要诱惑全世界的人与她一起无醉不欢。她解释道:“这张专辑谈的是每个人都可以觉得自己是名人。流行文化本身就是一种艺术,抗拒流行并不会让你变得很酷,所以我决心要拥抱流行文化,你可以在【The Fame】专辑中清楚地感受到这种感觉。但那种出风头的快感是可以跟别人分享的,我想要邀请每个人一起来狂欢,我希望人们可以被这种生活态度所感染。”
专辑的开场曲“Just Dance”同时也是首发单曲,这首歌有趣的“LA名流式”乐风,在舞池里红翻了。而同样引人注意的“Boys Boys Boys”,Lady GaGa直不讳言地坦白自己的企图:“我想要为Motley Crue’s的‘Girls Girls Gilrs’写一首女性专用的版本,但那里面会有我自己的梗,我想要写出那种连摇滚咖都会喜欢的流行曲。”
“Beautiful Dirty Rich”则是总结了她在下东区自我探索时的点点滴滴,而大部分是有关沉溺于药物及派对狂欢的故事。Lady Gaga表示:“那段时间,或是那首歌,都是当初我在思考人生目标的过程,一旦我决定要走上表演的舞台后,我就深深爱上这个决定,而再也不觉得狂欢派对有什么了不起的了。”第一次听见“Paparazzi”时,你可能会以为这是一首向镜头示爱的歌,但事实上,Lady Gaga认为这本身就是一个玩笑:“在某个层次来看,这的确是在讲怎么吸引狗仔队的目光、让自己成名,但也不是完全这么严肃就是了,也许它反映了大家对这件事的看法,但从另一角度来看,它也可以是在讲爱上一个男生后,能不能人财两得、名利双收的挣扎。”
GaGa同时也在专辑中展现出她对抒情歌曲的热爱,像是受到Queen所启发的“Brown Eyes”,以及甜美的分手吻别曲“Nothing I Can Say (eh eh)”。她解释道:“‘Brown Eyes’是专辑中感情最脆弱的一首,而‘Eh Eh’则是一首简单的流行曲,讲的是跟旧男友分手吧下一个男人也许会更好的故事。”
至于新专辑的巡回演出,歌迷们将继口碑爆表的2007年8月Lollapalooza show以及2008年3月在Winter Music Conference的演出后,重新见识全新精装版的演出。“这次新的秀,将会是过去几年我在城中各处自制演出的超级华丽版本。虽然整体的表现会比较高档,但是我最喜欢的元素还是会依然保留,像是七彩霓虹灯球、热裤、亮片装及缀饰。但是会变成一个更热烈、更有整体概念的版本,那可是一场流行艺术的综合演出。”
Lady Gaga最后眨了一下眼睛说:“现在,我正努力在做的,就是持续一点一滴地改造这世界。”
时尚 闪电眼妆、蝴蝶发髻、齐刘海儿、白色长发、浓密到极点的睫毛膏、“IPOD屏幕太阳镜、电工太阳镜、胶质涂层、漆皮胸衣、紧身三角裤、立体结构外套、裸色、易拉罐卷发……这些时尚碎片汇成了鲜明的、标签式的美国新锐歌手Lady GaGa Style。在她横空出世之前,它们绝大部分都只能出现在舞台或者T台上。
有人将Lady Gaga比作麦当娜,可即便是麦当娜,当年也只有在演唱会上敢穿上圆锥胸衣秀风情。那么这样发癫的一个人,究竟是欧美范儿的芙蓉姐姐,还是开创下一个时尚新纪元的女金刚呢?
富家女 Gaga和帕丽斯是校友
oh my lady gaga
Lady Gaga的横空出世像一剂病毒性流感,在娱乐圈和时尚界迅速肆虐开来。她惊世骇俗的着装,似乎比其他大腕儿此起彼伏的绯闻更惹眼:杜莎蜡像馆正在灌制她的体模;女明星们用实际行动表达对她的崇拜和嫉妒;她登上的时尚杂志封面比音乐杂志还要多。
与某些一朝得志便无所适从的小户人家女孩不一样,Lady GaGa出生在纽约的富裕家庭里,父母都是赫赫有名的意大利商人,从小她便就读于The Sacres Heart这种只招收贵族富豪的学校,她的邻座尽是肯尼迪家族的后裔或希尔顿酒店的继承人帕丽斯·希尔顿这样的人物。
才女 Gaga在4岁便会钢琴弹奏。
除了优越的家庭条件,Lady Gaga本人也表现出了先天的过人资质:据说,4岁的时候,她就能靠双耳聆听便学会钢琴弹奏;13岁写下第一首抒情创作歌曲;14岁在公开场合拿起麦克风演唱;17岁被纽约大学音乐系提前录取(这种特殊名额全世界只有20个);然后,到了20岁,她受到了知名唱片公司Interscope Records的赏识,立马签入旗下帮歌手和乐队写歌谱曲。早在她“一夜爆红”之前,Britney Spears的一张热门专辑里就收入了她创作的两首歌曲,看样子颇得赏识。
最近,两部炙手可热的时尚剧都找到她来创作主题曲。一部是收视率就没跌出过前三甲的《Gossip Girls》,另一部是近来闹得沸沸扬扬的《一个购物狂的自白》。这阵势还真有一副垄断时尚天下的气派。
潮女 她可以把自己打扮成一枚扎着蝴蝶结的圣诞礼物和好友泰然自若地喝茶,这种哪怕是在明星看来都无福消受的“混”搭,在她身上却像家常便饭一样随处可见。据了解就连她爸爸也看不惯自己女儿的出位,不止一次在公开场合表示不满。她本人似乎早准备好了一连串的说辞应付各种批评:“他其实根本不理解我,我这样做都是为了我祖母。她老人家年纪大,眼睛不好,只有穿成这样她才能认出我。”这种辩解听起来倒是挺符合她本人戏谑幽默的调调。
实际上,如果你足够细心,Lady GaGa其实早就在歌里唱出她的心声:“How did I turn my shirt inside out”(我的衬衫怎么穿反了?)言下之意:我穿成什么样,关你什么事?一副爱谁谁的牛气冲天。
在日前举办的MTV音乐录影带颁奖礼中,Lady GaGa 上阵的战衣是Dolce&Gabbana 的corset 紧身胸衣。造型依旧很“雷人”,但谁都知道,她不是一个时尚的受害者,相反,她在玩弄着时尚大牌和时尚圈,她的每一次出场都在挑战着时尚圈的尺度和大众的忍耐底线。Lady Gaga 曾说:“我不是时尚品牌的堆砌品,我创造时尚!”俨然把自己当做是一个时尚品牌。
Lady Gaga真可谓是"要出门,必雷人"(本句出自于A·Spears·Cooper之言)。
其实 Lady Gaga在“Gaga”化之前很漂亮(是符合大多数人标准的),很清纯,与现在的风格完全背道而驰,如右图所示。
Lady GaGaLady GaGa1986 was born inNew YorkThe Yonkers, parents asItalyPeople. Child enrolled in a Catholic named the Sacred Heart school, fashion ladies Paris Hilton (Paris Hilton) And Caroline Kennedy are her alumni. In 2006, Gaga in from New York University dropout, the Interscope Records signed a composer. WorkedBritney Spears,Fergie,Pussycat Dolls, Aken, and other famous singers composed. When both foreground Gaga Akon concert found the strength, he signed to Gaga's own, since she began preparations for her debut album. 2008, Gaga released their debut album "The Fame", She explained that this album is" about how to make everyone feel famous. "/ ** /[Edit this paragraph]Lady Gaga artist descriptionOriginal name: Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (斯蒂芬妮乔 Annie Angelina Germanotta). March 28, 1986 born, Aries.English translation: business for not releasing their people do not know when she called her "Lady Gaga", then there are different versions of the title, thunder emperor, Fred quack, Leidigaga, rattle his wife, the goddess of Kaka, Lei Di Kaka, Lady Gaga, quack, Miss, but the album is now sweeping the globe, winning three MTV awards after most people scream or "lady gaga".Family: Joseph Germanotta (father) Cynthia Germanotta (mom) Natalie Germanotta (sister)Handedness: left-handedFavorite singer: Beyonce Giselle Knowles (碧昂丝吉赛尔 North) Britney Spears (Britney Spears)Music influence: beyonce knowles Britney Spears (Britney Spears), David Bowie, Queen,Madonna,Michael JacksonSong: Just Dance (feat. Colby O 'Donis) (The Fame) Poker Face, Paparazzi (album title song), Beautiful Dirty Rich (sung major sought after nightclub bar super high rate of popular works) Love game, Bad Romance , telephoneMost wave shape: its "Lightning Eye" (Just Dance MV) is best known as the classical imitations nowadays tide.2010 new song: Retro Physical, Your Negativity (known as the "Voice of nightclubs," the violent Hit) Lady GagaRecently (March 2010) released in Japan in the first remix album "The Remix"Album cover using only newspaper nude photos modesty of Lady Gaga, so many fans were hooked. But many Asian countries because of customs and other kinds of factors are not able to use the cover so restricted, so the State will be used later issued a new cover and release in May, the mainland will also simultaneously release the album in May . The album included in the latest Lady Gaga "super popular Monster" (The Fame Monster) in the song "Telephone" (Telephone) Lady Gaga and Beyonce from the peak of cooperation by the world's attention to popular music fans. They did not delay launch of the MV, has really tempt everyone's appetite. U.S. local time on March 11 evening, "Phone"The MV was finally broadcast on its Web site, to meet everyone's expectations!Two days after the two-pronged nature will not let you down, this 10-minute MV, not so much a music video, as it is a mini-movie about the story is down on a large hot single "Paparazzi"The story lines show to see. In the previous focus on "lessons" with ulterior motives to their boyfriend's quack who miss being locked up in prison, but soon as a call to escape through mysterious, but it is another to save her queen Beyonce. So the two together again set foot on a new adventure ... ... the MV of the last, this black and white Shuangsha back we kept that in suspense, this story is not over.Lady Gaga's unique style has always been on everyone's lips, and in this carefully prepared the MV, she naturally out without reservation his special skill: from crude iron chains to the silicone jacket transparent armor, from theCansVolume to the hairUnited StatesFlag installed, each set of modeling have played a really surprise the audience. And Beyonce is sexy in their usual style with some retro flavor. In the end the two MV, also dressed in a black and white were the two sets of clothing similar to China's Costume Lady, glamorous and incomparable.It is learned that Universal Music will be the recentBeijingWTO-day order of Sky - Asia's largest LCD screen, in the Chinese regional premiere 这支 MV. Believe that the interpretation of two days after the giant LCD screen with canopy effect, certainly give fans bring an extraordinary visual feast.[Edit this paragraph]Mrs. BiographyEarly career When Lady Gaga was a little girl, she will be singing in front of her little tape recorder with Michael JacksonCyndi LauperSong, or Rolling Stone with Beatles music, Pei Chen, the arms of the father turning circle. The hyperactive child will be the finest restaurants in the Western table happy dancing, playing with a bread stick as a baton. When the house when the new nanny, innocent birthday she will be happy to put on new clothes to meet.No wonder the Italian-American family from New York, grew up after the little girl would be so bold show itself has become a versatile and compelling singer-songwriter. This is her, Lady Gaga."I've always been good at entertain the public, I grew up is a pistachio, and now is." Lady Gaga says. With an appeal of her full party dance "Beautiful Dirty Rich" in Manhattan's Lower East Side shop night rise. In addition, more people relish her amazing "shock art" performances. In the show, she will fade one piece costumes designed by their own, until she revealed little hot pants and hand-cutBikiniBra, and then ignited a can of spray hair spray, the final ball when the colorful neon lights slowly lowered from the ceiling, she will be accompanied by behavior among the film A Clockwork Orange soundtrack."I've always loved rock music and pop culture with the theater, when I looked at Queen and David Bowie, I really understand, in fact, these three elements are simultaneously co-exist." Lady Gaga so that inspired her to my list It is from Queen's song "Radio Gaga", and her TV series role as Peggy Bundy and indicators for fashion designers Bonatella Versace."I chose to fashion the principles of indicators is not limited to music industry people, but all the people associated with the performance, as long as the attitude that type, all on the right. So, that is why I chose to be a reason for artists also I want to reach the goal. "This goal seems very high, but careful look at this girl's background: Lady GaGa 4 years old, they learned to rely on their ears piano; 13-year-old piano to write the first first lyrical; 14 years of her , at the famous Bitter End in New York, shop, etc. soared night song, the day is at the Covent of Sacred Heart School (located inManhattanPrivate schools) were classmates taunted her eccentric yet rebellious style; 17 years old, she became the world's only 20 to advance into theNew York UniversityTisch School of the Arts in which one; 20th birthday, record companies formally signed a contract and was invited to write songs for many big-name artists (such as a small wild cat, and then a series of films to be made global singer). Her debut album is not made films, Lady Gaga has been riding the express train directly to the clouds.Soon as known "to join showbiz, my goal is to use a fun way for a whole new world of popular music." She said. Her first solo album, The Fame】 【not only arranged all the lyrics, even the orchestration of all the music played almost all of her own recordings. "And I want to use an ultra-cool pop music to play with the feelings of the listeners, like a spoonful of sugar looks like things clearly, in fact, but a bitter pill."【】 Album The Fame, Gaga feels like to reconcile the two popular dance music, plus an electronic music, a rock, together with a little disco and a mockery of play elements, and finally slowly into the shape of martini glasses The cocktail, to lure people around the world with her would not be happy without drunk. She explains: "On this album is that everyone can feel like a celebrity. Popular culture itself is an art, popular resistance will not make you become cool, so I am determined to embrace popular culture, you can album, The Fame】 in 【clearly felt that feeling. But the thrill of exhibitionism that can be shared with others, I want to invite everyone carnival together, I hope that people can be infected by this attitude. "Album of the opening song "Just Dance" is also the first single, the song interesting "LA celebrity-style" style, the dance floor turned red. Equally eye-catching "Boys Boys Boys", Lady GaGa straight admits his attempts to confess: "I want to Motley Crue's the 'Girls Girls Gilrs' was a women-only version, but which will have my own the stem, I want to write the kind of coffee would not even like rock pop. ""Beautiful Dirty Rich" is a summary of her self-exploration Eastern time the next bit by bit, and most are addicted to drugs and parties related to the story of carnival. Lady Gaga said: "During that time, or that song, is when I think about life goals in the process, once I decided to go a stage show, I had fallen in love with this decision, but no longer What that rave was great. "heard the first" Paparazzi ", you may think this is a love song to the camera, but in fact, Lady Gaga think that in itself is a joke:" At one level, of view, this is really talking about how to attract the attention of the paparazzi, so his fame, but it is not so serious is it, perhaps it reflects our views on this incident, but from another angle, it also could be talking about a boy fall in love, can you get two and wealth, fame and fortune in the struggle. "GaGa album while also showing the love of her lyrics, such as inspired by the Queen's "Brown Eyes", and the sweet kiss break up song "Nothing I Can Say (eh eh)". She explained: "'Brown Eyes' is the album feeling the most vulnerable one, and 'Eh Eh' is a simple pop song, about the old boyfriend break up with the next man might be a better story . "As for the new album, tour, fans will be following the word of mouth burst table Lollapalooza show in August 2007 and March 2008 performance at the Winter Music Conference, the re-experience a new hardcover edition of the show. "This new show will be everywhere in the city over the past few years I made a super gorgeous version of the show. Even though the overall performance is relatively high, but my favorite still retains elements, such as colorful neon ball hot pants, sequined fitted and dressed. but it will become a more enthusiastic, more general version of the concept, but that the comprehensive performance of a popular art. "Which singer has been a long time not heard his debut would also like to spend money on new people to have to do some night clubs, live concert performances from I sell, this is quite old-fashioned grass-roots flavor but the debut way. But the popularity of the couple finally no longer just simply good looking, or descent from the daughter of an upper-class families, or the TV singing show winner, or a TV series in which young people of a role. "I think we should just do what I do, I traveled to New York almost every night club, and no matter where I have received enthusiastic response from the audience really captured the hearts of the audience, only this time I really feel like one artist. I know how to do to survive in this circle, a stable footing, but also know how to do will fail. and my conclusion is that I am not just a singer, but a performer. The most important thing is, I have work very seriously. "Lady Gaga last twinkle in his eye said: "Now, I am now trying to do is to continue to transform the world bit by bit."Fashion Lightning Eye, butterfly hair, Qi Liu children, white hair, thick mascara extreme, "IPOD screen, sunglasses, electric sunglasses, resin coating, patent leather corset, tight briefs, three-dimensional structure, coat, bare color, cans curly hair ... ... The fashion pieces merged into a distinctive, cutting-edge tabbed American singer Lady GaGa Style. Before she turned out to which most can only appear in the stage or T stage.Some people have likened Lady GagaMadonnaCan even Madonna, then only dare to wear in concert style cone bra show. So this Fadian a person, whether it is Europe and the United States Fan of children with Sister Furong, or to create a stylish new era under the then King Kong?Rich girl Gaga andParisIs the alumnioh my lady gagaLady Gaga, turned out like a virus, influenza, in the entertainment and fashion industry thrives rapidly. Frightening her dress, seems to come and go than the other biggest names in children's sex scandal is more eye-catching: Madame Tussauds is mastering her phantom; female stars with concrete actions to express her admiration and envy; she boarded a fashion magazine cover than the music magazine even more.A loss of some once they Dezhi small households will be different girl, Lady GaGa was born in New York, wealthy families, parents are famous Italian businessman, she studied at an early age The Sacres Heart admit that only the wealthy elite school, her neighbor is full of Kennedy family, the descendants or successors of the Hilton hotel Paris Hilton this figure.Gaga talented woman playing piano at age 4 will be.In addition to excellent family conditions, Lady Gaga I also showed the extraordinary innate intelligence: It is said, 4 years old, she can learn piano by ears to listen to it play; 13-year-old wrote the first lyric songs; 14-year-old picked up the microphone singing in public; 17-year-old was enrolled at New York University Department of Music in advance (special places that only 20 of the world); then, to 20 years old, she was the major label Interscope Records appreciated, flew to sign to help artists and bands into its writing songs set to music. Back in her "night blast Red" before, Britney Spears in a hot album on her income writing two songs, evidently drew much appreciated.Recently, two hot fashion show is to find her theme song. One is no ratings had dropped out of the top three of "Gossip Girls", another is the recently created a hubbub of "Confessions of a shopping frenzy. " This battle really has a monopoly fashion world of style.Chao woman she can present himself as a Christmas gift for wearing bow and friends poised to tea, this even seems to have no Fu Xiaoshou the star of "mixed" ride, on her just like a routine just as visible . It is understood that even her father could not understand his daughter's out of place, more than once publicly expressed dissatisfaction. She seems ready to back a series of excuse for all kinds of criticism: "He actually did not understand me, I did it for my grandmother. Her old age, the eye is not good, only dressed like that she recognize me . "This excuse sounds like it very consistent with her playful and humorous tone.In fact, if you are careful enough, Lady GaGa fact, the song she sings early in the voices of: "How did I turn my shirt inside out" (how to wear my shirt backwards?) Implies: I dress What, none of your business? 1 Ai Shuishui's bullish.At the recent MTV Video Music Awards ceremony, Lady GaGa battle armor is the corset Dolce & Gabbana corset. Modeling is still very "Ray," but everyone knows that she is not a fashion victim, on the contrary, she was playing with the big fashion and fashion circles, her every appearance challenges the fashion circles in the scale and mass of the patient bottom line. Lady Gaga said: "I am not a fashion brand, piled materials, I create a fashion!" As if to himself as a fashion brand.Lady Gaga turns out to be "to go out, people will be mine" (This sentence from the A · Spears · Cooper's words).She exaggerated form of alternative will become an unforgettable picture of our hearts.In fact, Lady Gaga in the "Gaga" of beautiful before (in line with most of the standard), very pure, and completely contrary to the current style, as shown on the right.Lady GaGa not very pretty when
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